University of Manchester
My Research
I am currently a post-doctoral research associate in the Galli lab. I studied biochemistry at the University of Bath and completed my undergraduate degree there in 2018, following three years of study and a one year professional placement. I then started my combined Masters and PhD programme at the University of Manchester in 2019, and completed my PhD in December 2023.
My PhD largely focused on the effects of developmental hypoxia on cardiac mitochondrial function, investigating offspring in both fetal and adult life. My particular interest was investigation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, which is a major regulator of cell death. We hypothesise that developmental hypoxia is programming the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, which could have severe downstream consequences for cardiac function.
During my post-doc I will continue to research cardiac outcomes following developmental hypoxia, with a specific focus on drivers of arrhythmia susceptibility. Additionally I will investigate whether maternal antioxidant treatment can reverse any negative programming effects.

I am currently a guest editor for the Journal of Visualised Experiments (JoVE). I am collating abstracts for a collection on "Methods to Study Mitochondrial Function Using Small Tissue Samples". If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please follow this link.

My Interests
Outside of the lab, I run frequently and even completed the Manchester marathon in 2023! I also am an avid crafter, and spend lots of my spare time knitting, crocheting and sewing. I also love to read, although not as much as Aga!
Professor Dino Giussani
Professor Andrew Trafford
Professor Luigi Venetucci
Professor Mike Murphy
Contact me if you have any questions...
...about my research or the lab in general!
(teams number)